Thursday, December 7, 2006

"Motorcycle Boy"

They call me "Motorcycle Boy".....

Actually I call myself "Motorcycle Boy." Evan puts on Dad's helmet and goggles very often and insists on the given name. We of course think it's adorable, but it is all serious business to him. Who said the Two's were Terrible. I've never met a more pleasant age.

1 comment:

LollyGirl said...

Evan is ADORABLE and I agree, the sweetest 2 year old I've ever met but then again, you do not have normal children. Have your kids ever been Terrible at any age?!!

Mine always get a head start on it. Beckam's birthday is in Jan. Wait until you see HIM in his true TWO year old colors--I didn't see your bid for the babysitting job in Feb. :)