Wednesday, June 18, 2008


In Church on Sunday someone was relaying a story about a young mother struggling with one of her children. She was complaining and wondering why she was given such a difficult child to deal with. She was counseled by her bishop that she wasn't given this child....she "chose" this child. Sometimes it takes only small stories like this to remind me how much I love my children and that although being a mother is one of the most difficult roles in the world, , , I CHOSE THEM!!!!!


Veylupeks said...

I love the picture. Is this El Capitan State Beach? I chose my kids :) thanks for the pick me up. How are you guys. Tell cara hi for me. Love Alisa

teasha said...

It was definitely a good reminder for Jon and I especially when all 3 are crying and want mommy at once :-)

heymaughan said...

I think you did some great choosing, Sandee. Your kids are wonderful!!!

Sabra said...

some days i wonder. but it is good to be reminded. hope you are doing well and not dying of heat.