Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Vegetarian's Day

Bradon runs home from school yesterday and bursts through the door:

"Mom, mom we don't have any school tomorrow!"

I reply as though I know nothing about the upcoming holiday,"Why do you get the day off??"

Bradon replies, " Well because mom, it's Vegetarians Day!"

So to all you non meat eaters Bradon celebrates with you.

And to all you Veterans I do hope that you had a great celebration also!!!!!


Dan said...

So funny. I'l remember that next time I have a steak on Vetrans day!

Willow said...

We had a similar experience. Gordon came in with the same exclamation of no school. I asked why... he said Veteran's Day. I had a proud mom moment, and then asked him who vetarans were.

"Mom (with the Gordon eye roll) veterans are people who take care of sick animals."

Happy Veternarian's Day to you!